As most of you know, I have completed my dissertation, the most important work I've ever created in my life. My final degree classification will largely depend on the quality of this dissertation.
Completing the dissertation does not mean uni is over, no, far from it. Still 5 essays to be handed in over the next two weeks. When one has just completed writing 10,000 words, a 2500 word essay looks benign.
I just secured my placement at the National Glass Centre in Sunderland, and I started the placement yesterday (yes, my first day of work was a Friday) I'll be working there over the next two weeks, helping them promote their glass studio.
I saw how glass blowing works, it's a very labour intensive process, involving lots of heat and twisting pipes, oh, and a folded wet piece of newspaper- in fact the wet newspaper is one of the key tools in moulding glass. It looks easy...but I doubt it is.
Yeah, so I just wanted to keep all of y'all up to date with the proceedings in my humble life. I'll be done in the first week on June, and hopefully the weather would be beautiful and allow me to celebrate by taking pictures at the beach (I can't get tired of the beach)