Monday, December 17, 2007

La pasta di formaggio di Julian

Today I finished my much talked about essay on the USA as a terrorist state, an essay that I am very proud of.
I went with the essay to my lecturer, Dr. Amir Saeed to see if he had any final words, he read it and seemed content. He told me my essay was amongst the 'elite' ever written in the module.
SO with a big smile on my face.. I chose to celebrate. I got the usual pasta stuff, mix vegetables and chicken portions, and grated cheese. Food aside, I went to wilkinsons to get a new 'square black plate' you know, tryna be all modern.
I then created my new dish, the recipe I will keep a secret. It tastes heavenly...ohh so good. Since it was pasta, I decided to give my new dish an Italian name, hence: "La pasta di formaggio di Julian", which translates literally as "The pasta of cheese of Julian" get the point!
I still have one more essay to do before I can finally put my feet up!

1 comment:

Adiba said...

looks like u abt to eat from an oventray