Monday, April 23, 2007


Throughout my life in University, you would have to get used to posts titled 'Motivation' that's because I am too lazy to do research and write my essay. I desperately need someone to shout on me and tell me to work, or a fellow work buddy to brainstorm with. But no, all I got is Deena Jones and the Dreams, aghh, see, I have time to write this blog, but no time to write my KFC essay. Is Blogger gonna get me a job? is Blogger gonna get me a wife and kids? is Blogger gonna secure my future?. I need divine intervention of the highest order.
Anyway, on Friday I was at the library to finally get work done, imagine, even at the library I got distracted and started reading random books that have nothing to do with me. Stupid me, I brought my headphones (1st sign that I wasn't serious) and started watching Dreamgirls in the library.
The most annoying thing was when I went to the vending machine, and was tryna get a Snickers bar and accidentally pressed the button for Mars! Oh the humanity! why dont they have 'return product' option, coz there is nothing worse than Mars! I was so depressed, but I ate it, with a pissed off look on my face. (I bought a Snickers bar just to appease me). Anyway, I need to get work done- I want a future.

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