Saturday, February 20, 2010


So, apparently, there is someone out there who looks a lot like me, well not a lot, but a fair bit.
He also happens to be of Nigerian origin, an actor known as Nonso Anozie

He does look like me, especially with the full beard he has on there. Having a
doppelgänger is quite cool and eerie at the same time. Imagine if you got mistaken for a really famous person on a regular basis- that's bound to have some nice perks, it wouldn't be too cool however if your splitting image was some notorious criminal.

(looking like Denzel, Malcolm X, Pope John Paul II, Jesus, Gandhi, Barack Obama = cool)

(looking like George Bush, Nixon, Michael Jackson (post 2000) = not cool)

(looking like Hitler or Stalin......stop it, shave your moustache!)

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