Friday, April 10, 2009

So, Did he Bow or Not?

Americans are back at it again, wasting time on pointless news. This time the furore is about President Obama's bow or semi-prostrate to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about it yesterday, and he denied it at first, then when pressed, he brushed the question aside.
Well, I took a look at the picture, and the video, and it clearly shows Obama bowing to the King.
The right wing is furious, they are, first Obama says in Turkey that America is not a Christian nation, then he bows to the King of a Muslim nation, the right wing and religious right have all but confirmed that Obama is a covert Muslim.
But, why did Obama bow to King Abdullah? When Bush Jr was in house he didn't bow to the King, instead they held hands.
American journalists are saying that it shows submission, it undermines the USA's image of power if the president is seeing showing too much respect to someone else.
But we forget one simple thing, it's all about image and the power of language, I think when one has the words King or Queen in front of their name, it kind of beats being a President or a Prime Minister, it means you are the top boss, no one can impeach you, vote you out, nothing, it means total control. It is enviable, when one is born into power, when leadership of a country is a birth right. One can not be surprised that when an elected leader meets a born leader, the lesser one bows. Obama bowed when he met Queen Elizabeth (although a less back breaking bow) and I suppose he'll continue to bow when he meets monarchs around the world.
I think the problem American's have is who he bowed to, Xenophobia and Islamophobia are rife in America, anyone who's traditional dress involves headgear is looked upon with suspicion in American society (look at the backlash Sikhs got after 9/11)
America is proud of its power, they are proud of the way other countries bend to their will, many respected African statesmen are reduced to boys when faced with the might of America. So when the so called Leader of the Free World bows to the Leader of the "Oppressed World", one can expect a storm to gather. If Obama gave that same bow to say King Harold of Norway or King Albert of Belgium then it will be seen as nothing but Obama showing reverence and respect to an old monarch, but when he does the same to King Abdullah, the variables change- the media would not construct it as Obama just greeting an old man, No, he is bowing to the King of a nation where women are not allowed to drive, he is bowing to the leader of the country where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from, he is bowing to an "inferior culture"

.....When really, he is Bowing to Oil.


Pauline said...

BLAH BLAH BLAH. Americans.

Rodger said...

Well said Julian!! Obama clearly bowed to the Queeen to England amd Michelle curtsied with a gentle genuflection in respect mainly to the age of the Queen not to her authority. That was a factor that brought on the Queen/Michelle rapport that the American press so gleefully reported.