Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Diarrhea Monologues

Great, I couldn't go to the game, coz I had diarrhea, and its not something you gamble with (it can get real shitty out there) I don't know how I got it, I started feeling funny last night as I was assembling my football stuff, but I felt that things would clear up by the morning. But I woke up still feeling funny, so I decided not to gamble, and stay at home, rather than being stuck in a toilet with shoulderpads on (not a nice feeling) I hope we win, it's not as if I'm Warren Sapp or anything, the team has a bunch of 'all stars'. We should get a result, with Jon, Christian, Ashtray on defense! damn, we might even get some sacks, interceptions and a defensive touchdown(or two) Offense seems to have shaped up (after we lost to Caledonians) so I'm hoping they get out there and whip that Newcastle's defense like Cream. Coz nothing is worse than losing at home.


Adiba said...

haha ..i also aint got nothin 2 im readin ya blogs was this diarrohea blog really necessary got the shits once in a while but the whole world doesnt have to kno...hahah ur so damn funny

holla atcha girl

Adiba said...

haha ..i also aint got nothin 2 im readin ya blogs was this diarrohea blog really necessary got the shits once in a while but the whole world doesnt have to kno...hahah ur so damn funny

holla atcha girl